Books for Little People
Blogs for Big People

Children’s Books by Lori Peelen
Meet the Author
As a kid, you could always find me with animals, books, or both. I collected every stray kitten I could lure home, and tried to rescue every wild creature in distress, much to my mother’s dismay. I also hauled around picture books, begging people to read to me, and trying to read to my dog and cats.
At school I was so shy, always skittering off like a wild rabbit to play by myself. When the bell finally rang, I couldn’t wait to get home to play with my younger brother outdoors, climbing trees, riding bikes, and exploring the stream near our house. At night, if I could make him sit still a minute, I read picture books aloud to us both.
When I grew up, I also grew much braver. I learned to love the company of other human beings, as well as that of animals and books. I got married and had three wonderful boys, who are now all wonderful grown-ups. Today, I live with my husband, two lazy cats, a wily Saint Bernard, and all the wild creatures that share our property. Recently, two pint-sized, bob-kittens startled me while I hung out clothes- they stalked a gaggle of wild turkeys down the hill in front of me. Seeing such tiny, determined little wild-kitties up so close was magical.
My favorite days are spent working on stories that celebrate nature and wild things, rambling in the woods, puttering in my garden, and trying to lure our grown-up kids over for dinner. All day I happily anticipate curling up with a good book when my work is done. I’m convinced that a good book can save the day — if not the world.
Happy Streaming
Our two most precious assets, kids and creeks, with destinies entwined. The kids of today are the defenders of our waterways tomorrow. By enjoying more stream-time than screen-time with our kids, we help protect both our waterways, and our children's wild spirits.