Riffs on Rifts
My treasured friend and Aunt Bev, recently traveling with her sisters, sent me this photo of a sunset on the biggest stream in America: the Misi-Ziibi (Native American for "Big River,")-- better known as the Mississippi.
The largest watershed in America, the Mississippi runs north and south, beginning in Canada, ending in the gulf of Mexico, dividing our country pretty much down the center. Division. Rifts. Boundaries. Politics. They're what are on most of our minds this election season. So many crazy ways we separate ourselves from each other.
But Old Man River, he just keeps on rolling-- and what's here today, is water under the bridge tomorrow.
The "Friends of the Mississippi" report that our Mississippi watershed is healthier today than it was a generation ago. However, (they remind us) there is always work to be done. As always, what's in our yards today--is headed down our streams tomorrow.
I would add-- whatever is our hearts and heads today-- is also flowing downstream-- to our children and grandchildren of tomorrow. For healthy streams- of- thought, during stressful election seasons, and other times of troubled waters, remember to breathe deeply, hang out in nature, and listen to great music.
For your enjoyment, I'm posting some great songs inspired by the Mississippi River. Whether written and/or recorded in peace, pain, or political upheaval, music is a spiritual balm that heals and uplifts, wherever it flows. bringing life to arid places.
Music is free to us all, no matter our color, gender, or political stripes. And river music seems to touch a deep chord. Sing out loud. Hum under your breath. Chase away the blues. You will be moved to higher ground, I'm pretty sure.
Enjoy the tunes, enjoy your day, stay mindful, and keep on rollin'
Old Man River, Jim Croce:
Graceland: Paul Simon
Black Waters, Doobie Brothers