Ninety Eight Generations…

That is what I estimate it will take, for redwood forests to be restored to what they were, before we decided we needed lumber more than trees. The second and third growth redwood trees, growing from ancient stumps may look big to our eyes--but they are mere weeds, compared to what stood before them.    

But glory be--there is a bright green spot on our warming horizon.  A study out of UC Berkeley, and Humboldt State, along with the Save the Redwood League, recently reported a seven year study showing that, in spite of global warming, redwoods are growing faster than ever.  Furthermore,  giant redwoods, due to their dense hardwood, absorb more carbon from the atmosphere than any other tree on the planet.  Scientist tell us big redwoods may our single best tool to combat global warming.  So we should plant more.  And-- cut them only selectively, allowing more room for the biggest ones.  With education and understanding, the great day may come, when redwoods are more valuable shading our streams and cleaning our air than building our homes and decks.   Imagine what the forests could look like in ninety eight generations--given half a chance.

Man with arms outstretched in forest
Ferns growing over cut redwood trunk
Forest stream
Lori Peelen

Lori Peelen is the author of several children's books celebrating the wonders of nature. You can learn more about Lori and purchase her books at


Stream Riffs: River Music and Poetry Shared

