Stream Riffs: River Music and Poetry Shared
I'm delighted to share this space with other river fans. This photo is of the Merced River in Yosemite, near the spot that inspired the following RENGAY (a new word for me!) : a series of linked haiku poems-- from Helen Davie.
A gifted artist and fellow nature-lover, Helen shared a memory, a poem, and a link to "Peace Like a River," sung by the amazing Mormon Tabernacle Choir. You can't not be soothed by these images, words and sounds.
Hi Lori,
One of my favorite memories is of an afternoon spent by the Merced River outside of Yosemite Park. The water was really high that year and still flowing well into September. My friend Sally and I lost all track of time as we searched among the smooth granite boulders for small tumbled pebbles. We warmed ourselves like lizards on the rocks. I would love to do that again...
Meanwhile, let the rains come!
at river’s edge
root tangles reveal
depths of trees
a leaf floats over
leaf reflections
facing downstream
the steelhead swims in place--
shadow-laden pool
boulders anchored in sand;
paw by paw, raccoon prints trace
the curving shore
small eddy . . . a water strider
pops each bubble that skims by
willow thicket--
water jabbers through the riffles
around the last bend
by John Thompson and Helen K. Davie, 1997
To view Peace Like a River, by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir click here.
Please share your streaming thoughts, poetry, art and photos. Be awake. Enjoy your day. And...
Saint Dorothy's Rest, Camp Meeker, California